Vice Chancellor for Research - دانشکده علوم مهندسی esc
Developing the research capabilities of faculty members and promoting the research position of the school of engineering science among the other schools of College of engineering, in accordance with the long-term plans of the University of Tehran. The job description of the vice-chancellor for research of the school of engineering science is as follows:
• Coordination of research activities with other schools of the College of engineering and the University of Tehran
• Providing information about regulations and research accomplishments
• Holding regular meetings of the faculty research council in coordinate with the assigned tasks and promoting the level of research activities
• Co-operation with the international field of the College and university attuned to the assigned tasks and strengthening the faculty's international activities
• Co-operation and active participation in the meetings of the research council of the College of engineering
• Coordination and follow-up on faculty members' participation in international conferences, sabbatical and study opportunities
• Creating a database of research capabilities of the faculty members in order to properly introduce it to other units of the College, university, organizations and industry
• Participation in the establishment of research collaborations with industry and organizations, concluding memorandums and research contracts
• Establishing research centers and core research with multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary priorities based on the capabilities of faculty members and active participation in other scientific centers in the College and university
• Supporting engineering science students' research and scientific activities
• Participation in establishing research collaborations between the school of engineering science and other engineering schools in the University of Tehran
• Participation in holding scientific lectures, conferences and seminars